Monobrow - Cybernetic Coelacanth Submarine


Monobrow: Arrangement, Mixing

Level 99: Guitars

Protricity: Additional Mixing


Monobrow: This is a ReMix of the "Bubble Crab Stage" from Mega Man X2 on the Super Nintendo. It is one of my favorite songs from the Mega Man X series. I have fond memories of playing this game non-stop with my little brother Phil back in the day.

My intent was to make a progressive rock song, with a bit of an aquatic lead, and a slight surfer ambience. So, basically, a lighter kit, and some Rhodes. This ReMix is named after the awesome big fish submarine you encounter for a bulk of the stag, though I'm not really trying to emulate that in the style of my song... I just think using the word COELACANTH in any song title is bad-ass, period. Anyway, this is my first attempt ever at anything rock, so be nice.